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Free Indian Market STANDARDS

General Policies and Regulations

Please read carefully. Your signature on the Registration Form indicates that you have read and agree to these rules and regulations.

  1. Participation in the Free Indian Market is only by invitation or by registration and acceptance through a review process.

  2. A FIM Artist first must complete and sign a “Free Indian Market Registration Form.” (available at

  3. A FIM Artist agrees to sell their own “authentic, handmade Native American Arts & Crafts.” Exhibitors must comply with the Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990 for labeling and sales. All items offered for sale must be properly represented, indicating their materials, methods and techniques. All ancillary products must represent the original designs of the FIM Artists. No Greenware, molded and machine-made pottery is allowed. Also, no machine-made jewelry is allowed.

  4. Exhibitors must be present during Free Indian Market Show, and may NOT be participate in other shows at the same time.

  5. The exhibit spaces in the Free Indian Market are “Family Booths,” encouraging FIM artists to invite their grandparents and other family members to join them. Each of these additional family artists must complete and sign a FIM Artist Registration, subject to approval by the FIM Producers. All assigned 10’ x 10’ booths and smaller table spaces must be pre-approved by the FIM Producers.

  6. The Free Indian Market is on Federal Courthouse property. Therefore, all FIM artists must agree to abide by all Federal laws, rules and regulations. For example, the use of feathers attached to artwork must comply with all State and Federal laws. No firearms are allowed. Also, NO STAKES may be used, only sand bags and other weights to anchor the canopies.

  7. FIM Artists must bring their own 10’ x 10’ canopies, tables and chairs. No electrical outlets are available. FIM Artists agree to set up on Friday before the weekend show. Late arrival on Saturday must be pre-approved by the Producers.

  8. Bullying or threatening behavior at any time will not be tolerated and will result in future exclusion from the Show.

  9. The Free Indian Market is not responsible for agreements made between attendees and artists. Failure to fulfill any commissions made at the Free Indian Market may result in the exclusion of the artist from future shows.

  10. Free Indian Market Artists promise to be polite and courteous at all times. Remember, the world is watching. Helping the Elders and their families is our purpose. Be kind and offer others a helping hand.

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